On Thursday July 9th, GenevaERS was approved an Incubation Project under the Linux Foundation’s Open Mainframe Project.
Comments from the approving Technical Advisory Committee included (paraphrased):
- “This project showcases the types of applications that Z is very important to.”
- “Would like to see capabilities to cleanse data before feeding into Spark for machine learning.”
- “Yes, intersecting with Apache Spark would be an interesting development.”
- “This is exactly the kind of project we want to see”
- “Most of the projects we are sponsoring are user interface related, supporting modernization. This has interesting transaction processing characteristics.”
- “Looks like you already have a couple of people interested in participating/contributing…” The energy in the committee is “because this is a mature/sophisticated project.”
The following slides were used in the application discussion:
Additionally, the relationship of GenevaERS to Apache Spark was discussed, leveraging the content from the recent Proposed GenevaERS 5.0 Architectural Direction.