GenevaERS is the open source version of the IBM SAFR offering, the Scalable Architecture for Financial Reporting.
- The following slides give a quick overview below.
- Ten introductory videos and slides are available here
- Advanced video and slides are available here
One of the key characteristic of the tool is its performance, which allows for use against much greater volumes of data than other analytical solutions. These statistics are from production implementations at large national and multinational organizations.

The following shows the results of a proof of concept for one customer replacing an existing ledger reporting solution with a system capable of much greater analytical outputs with unparalleled performance.

How is that possible. The next two slides if a quick sense.

The following gives an overview of the GenevaERS solution, starting with defining meta data for the data to be scanned, and the processes (GenevaERS “Views”), through to running the GenevaERS Performance Engine.
It in turns:
- Selects which “views” should be processed in this Performance Engine execution
- Breaking down of the views into the Logic Table, a very efficient method of performing scan and analytical operations
- Creating in-memory reference data for small table joins
- Then the parallel processing machine code generation Extract Engine
- Finishing with the Format Phase Engine, producing numerous outputs in one pass through the high-volume transaction data repository.

Through the years GenevaERS and SAFR have been used on numerous projects by numerous customers to solve high volume critical reporting processes.

The following historical posts give a deeper sense of (1) how the GenevaERS Solution Developed and (2) one potential way in which it fits into the business system architecture landscape.